A windy one

Yesterday evening was very quiet. Some members of German and British teams were sitting on the bar terrace, but no party at all came up. So I thought today, it will be serious. And it really was.
As soon as 8:30 in the morning, you could see the first enthusiasts filling up with water ballast and driving to the 04 runway grid.
While the azure blue sky seemed very promising in the early morning, it looked exactly the same four hours later and we didn’t enjoy it that much. Despite quite strong wind and this “spotless” sky, more than 20 gliders took off to “meet” and get used to local conditions. Some of them very successfully, some of them less (JE, JT, L47, OLE, PV, UX), but they increased their knowledge of great spots for outlandings around here, which hopefully won’t be very useful in following days. :)
Mracoun from the Czech team, who wasn’t so “brave” and didn’t cross the mountains, told me that there was some black magic, because even though the wind was really strong, somehow it didn’t work at all. Well, gliding is not a piece of cake…
However most of the pilots took it easy today and just flew for fun and tried to find out what soaring in Slovakia is about.
And of course, we can’t forget to congratulate the Germans, because they are the winners for today! One step closer to becoming champions… at the world football championship. There was great atmosphere in the bar with the flat screen TV today. Left part of the room screamed for four times and even cheered with a little flag. The British part was a little bit disappointed, but don’t worry. You can still win this championship. :)
So we are looking forward to tomorrow. We will have the first unofficial training task sheet. Let’s see how it goes.


Posted June 27th, 2010