A tracking one

Tracking was finally working today and we could see wonderful final race of two gliders PC and Y4. We were not the only ones who enjoyed it. There were another six hundred people watching the streaming. It’s wonderful because it means that our audience hasn’t given up and believed that we would make it work. Thank to all of you.

However the impression that the pilots had was more than just the racing excitement.

The weather wasn’t very friendly today so the beginning of the task was not easy. Lots of gliders started to reach the first turn point with more hope than altitude. So far I know, the start was bad but as soon as they came to the Tatras it got nice. Some of the pilots were talking about 5 m/s thermals and 2700 m altitude. Those were the ones who took the south side of the mountains. The unluckier ones were fighting low in the north. That’s probably why we had a lot of outlandings today. Especially many pilots from standard class visited the agronomic parts of Slovakia and I’m not sure that it was because of pure interest in the growing wheat.

Not all days are easy. Luckily tomorrow is brand new day so we can make it better.


Posted July 10th, 2010