A non-flying one

It was a very quiet day today. In the morning there were people going around and trying to figure out what to do but in the afternoon everybody was hidden somewhere. So you can understand that it is pretty difficult to guess how the teams spent their day. Nevertheless, I will try to bring you some news anyway.

Well, for example Polish team came to me and asked me about the swimming pool around here. So I started to think very deeply which pool would be the best for them. I asked whether they want to swim or just lie around so I could recommend something proper. The answer I got was: “We don’t really care about swimming or sunbathing. Just tell us where the hot girls usually go.” So I did. Anyway, they looked pretty relaxed when they came back. :)

Also Italians asked for advice. They were interested in a place in the countryside but with a beer service. They didn’t get back to me how it was but I hope they had a nice day as well.

The other teams were mostly relaxing, sleeping and enjoying little pools they have…

For us it was quite a busy day. However, in the afternoon Tomas draw a little picture so we made flyers and put it up everywhere, even on the bathroom doors so hopefully everyone will think about the message.


Posted July 9th, 2010