A difficult one

I’ve been biting the pencil for the last thirty minutes because I’m having a hard time writing you something about today’s flying. I guess I’ve found out the dark side of this job, which I usually love. It is the time when you go to people who had more than a bad day and ask them what the best part of it was. Well, luckily there are nice pilots, who welcomed me with a sad smile and told me that they really liked the terrain on the task today. Even though it was blue in the mountains, it was very nice and they enjoyed it as much as they could.

That’s pretty much all I got, but I’m sure you will understand. Beside that, the atmosphere here is very sad but very peaceful.

Tomorrow will be a non-competition day.

We are all deeply sorry about the tragedy. Our condolences to the family, the team and all the friends.


Posted July 8th, 2010