
Unofficial trainning

I’ve just come back from the briefing and the room was almost full. It’s a sign that today it’s getting serious. Since the early morning, everyone from the organization stuff is very busy.

Posted June 29th, 2010  |  Read whole article

A sunny one

Today was surprisingly a very nice gliding training day. The weather got much better later. Horac was right (or maybe just lucky?:) and the interval came up about three o’clock exactly as he said.

Posted June 28th, 2010  |  Read whole article

After the briefing

Today’s briefing was a rehearsal for the real ones. In the beginning it looked more like a rehearsal of a wedding dinner, but when the moody piano music stopped and somebody turned on the lights, suddenly the hangar turned into a regular “luxury” briefing room.

Posted June 28th, 2010  |  Read whole article

A windy one

Yesterday evening was very quiet. Some members of German and British teams were sitting on the bar terrace, but no party at all came up. So I thought today, it will be serious. And it really was.

Posted June 27th, 2010  |  Read whole article

Morning news:)

Good morning from (finally) sunny Prievidza! 

We don’t have the flash news active yet, so I’ve decided for short news report about morning events over here.

Posted June 27th, 2010  |  Read whole article