
Tracking system

We would like to apologize for the inconvenience of the troubles with the tracking system. The server of DSX company in Italy which is responsible for the tracking is not working properly. We notified DSX and they are already trying to solve this problem. Thank you for your understanding. We hope it will work very soon. :)     

Posted July 4th, 2010

Tricky morning

First official competition day is finally here. It started with the captain briefing at 9:45 (everyday). The biggest issue was the 310m AMSL for the QNH minimum altitude on the finish ring.

Posted July 4th, 2010  |  Read whole article

Opening ceremony’ day

Today is kind of special day. We’ll have the opening ceremony of World Gliding Championship today. Everybody is busy with preparing for it. The team captains are ironing the team uniforms probably, we are building fences, and the bar is preparing for invasion of people.

Posted July 3rd, 2010  |  Read whole article

A busy one

Today was for the organization team quite a busy day. We needed to get everything done so that we can start the World Gliding Championship tomorrow.

Posted July 2nd, 2010  |  Read whole article

Little briefing gossip

We have a beautiful sunny and a very hot day again. I went to two briefings in the row so a lot of information crossed my ears this morning. Sure I will share some of them with you. :)

Posted July 2nd, 2010  |  Read whole article