
A tracking one

Tracking was finally working today and we could see wonderful final race of two gliders PC and Y4. We were not the only ones who enjoyed it.

Posted July 10th, 2010  |  Read whole article

After the briefing

The briefing today was little a bit different than usual.

Posted July 10th, 2010  |  Read whole article

A non-flying one

It was a very quiet day today. In the morning there were people going around and trying to figure out what to do but in the afternoon everybody was hidden somewhere.

Posted July 9th, 2010  |  Read whole article

In memory of Alexander

Todays briefing started with minute of silence and continued in memory of Alexander, who we miss very much.

Posted July 9th, 2010  |  Read whole article

A difficult one

I’ve been biting the pencil for the last thirty minutes because I’m having a hard time writing you something about today’s flying.

Posted July 8th, 2010  |  Read whole article