
Newly built wooden houses available soon

In few days we are going to finish the building-up of three wooden houses, which will serve as accommodation facilities for all interested persons.
Finishing date: June 18th, 2010
Accommodation capacity: 5 persons / 1 house

Posted June 10th, 2010  |  Read whole article

Weather is back

It was raining in Slovakia whole May, what meant unsuitable conditions for flying. Continuous rain caused many floods and water restricted a lot of airports. On Friday of 4th June 2010 the high pressure area moved to us, so the flying could start again.

Posted June 8th, 2010  |  Read whole article

Bulletin No 2 with Self Briefing document was published

Bulletin No 2 was published today. You can find there general information from A-Z, few words to published Air Space and Self Briefing documents, glider and trailer parking pictures, introduction of the Stewards and members of Jury for 31 FAI WGC 2010 and the summary of allocated frequences for the teams.

As its part, the Self Briefing document was published as well. You can find there Airport access, Glider parking, Marshalling paths, Glider Weighing stations, Radio frequences, Grid and Launching procedures, Release areas, Tow-plane circuits to the various release points and Finishing and glider landing procedures.

For Bulletin No 2 click here.

Self Briefing document is available here.

Posted June 7th, 2010

Changes in the Airspace files for 31 FAI WGC 2010 Prievidza

It was published the renewed version of the competition airspace. There was changed the height zoning of LZR 225A airspace, added TMA Poprad S airpace and TMA Žilina was divided into two airspaces - TMA Žilina W and TMA Žilina.

You can download it here

Posted May 31st, 2010

WT-3 “had the last flight“ in CITY arena

Glider WT-3 was handed over to the representatives of Košice museum on the gliding event Airsymposium last year. Because of creating good conditions for this glider in metropolis of the Eastern Slovakia, the glider was hanged in CITY arena in Prievidza during the basketball league season.

Posted May 27th, 2010  |  Read whole article