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Posted March 11th, 16:06 by Georgepef
Online TV & webcam
Winners of 31st FAI WGC2010
![]() | Class: | World |
Name: | Couture Laurent "EY" | |
Country: | France | |
Plane: | PW 5 |
![]() | Class: | Club |
Name: | Hovestadt Arndt "007" | |
Country: | Germany | |
Plane: | Std. Libelle |
![]() | Class: | Standard |
Name: | Kawa Sebastian "V" | |
Country: | Poland | |
Plane: | Discus 2a |
“virtual edition” of wgc2010

Our main goal is to create parallel competition with real WGC2010 and precompetition in 2009. Same tasks, same scoring, same rules and as approximate wheater simulation as simulator Condor can get.
Proceed to Virtual WGC2010